Serbu Super Shorty 12g
10″ x 20″ high detail custom black & white print on premium grade satin photo paper.
Frame is not included.

Unique Firearm Art
About Us
How I got the idea for this project…
This project’s roots go back to a day when I had a firearm receiver shipped to my office. A pair of curious workers, knowing my hobby, decided to “take a peek” while not opening the package. They CAT scanned it and sent me the image via our instant messaging system as I was working off site that day. That’s when the light bulb went off. I then experimented and continually improved the technique to make even more interesting images. I scanned a wide selection of guns using a variety of methods to produce source images that were then further refined. After several years and multiple generations of test prints I produced what I feel are the best such images ever created.
The prints are meant to be framed. They make for great man-cave art and are very unique additions to any gun room. The majority of these firearms are from my personal collection but some were loaners from friends. Most are ATF registered transferable machine guns. The older firearms from WW2 are generally matching numbers (Curio and Relics) originals with some even having interesting pedigrees and stories behind them.
I’m continuously adding new designs as time allows but it’s not a simple process. Once the scan parameters have been tailored for a specific gun and the source images created they are tediously worked on by myself alongside my graphics designer. Each image then requires several rounds of test printing at a professional print shop with each gun subsequently undergoing many revisions until you see the final print offered here. As far as I know I am the first person to do such a project and hope you enjoy these prints as much as I enjoyed making them.
Thanks for your interest.
Prints for Sale
A medical grade CAT scanner was used to image these firearms. Many scanning sessions and tweaking of the machine's parameters was required to optimize the images. The source images were then lifted, placed on a black background, centered, and resized. Artifacts were removed and the images tediously cleaned up for hard copy printing. Several generations of test prints later resulted in the prints you see offered here. These high resolution prints have a very mechanical stark appearance that all gun lovers are sure to appreciate. All of the inner working of the gun are clearly identifiable and seen in a way that is virtually never come across. The prints are on premium quality satin photographic paper. All prints are 10" x 20" overall size. Frames are available at additional expense.
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